Article 1 – Introduction


When using our services and visiting our website (hereinafter, you can collect and process information from you.

This document will give you more insight into this process and then indicate under what conditions (and why) 2BY2 Nv, with registered office in 2017 Antwerpen, Elsenstraat 2b and with Company Number 0453,139,854 Hereinafter referred2BY2′) Information obtained and personal data Processed.

Every time 2BY2 Personal data of you will be delivered as a result of the granting of a contract, placing an order, sending a mail, visiting our website,… you shall be subject to this Privacy statement and Cookie policy which are an integral part of your Contractual relationship with 2BY2 .

2BY2 Attaches great importance to the trust you establish in her as a user and will treat all information obtained with the utmost care and confidentiality. 

By making use of our services and/or our website As a user, you acknowledge to have read and accept the privacy and cookies policy


Article 2 – Collection of personal data 


Personal data are defined in the European Data Protection regulation of 27 April 2016 (2016/679) as follows: “All information on an identified or identifiable natural person (“the data subject”); It is considered to be identifiable as a natural person who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to a Identifier such as a name, an identification number, location information, an online Identifier Or of one or more elements that characterize the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;

These are personal data that we (if any) Of you Process: 

– Name and surname 

– Genus

– Date of birth

– Birthplace

– Address

– Phone number

– Email address

– IP Address

– Other personal information that you actively provide In correspondence and by telephone

– Location information

– Information about your Professional Activities 

– Financial data

2BY2 Does not intend to collect information about website visitors under 16 years of age. Unless they have permission from parents or guardian or we are bound by the execution of our legal obligations. 

2BY2 However, it cannot verify that a site visitor is over 16. We encourage parents to be involved in the Online activities Of their children, in order to prevent the collection of information about children without parental consent.

If you There of Convinced that 2BY2 Without that consent, has collected personal data about a minor, please contact us via

If you provide personal data by using The website, placing an order, sending a mail and/or registering an account, Goes 2BY2 Assume that you have an interest in Process this data. 

You guarantee that the P provided by youErsoonsgegevens True and exact, and you agree To In case of any changes, it should be correctly 2BY2 .

You warrant that all information you provide to you is provided. If you provide personal data from a third party, you are responsible for the unambiguous consent of this third party and will inform you of this third party about the collection of this data and the existence of this privacy and cookies policy. 2BY2 cannot be held liable for possible infringements of this. 


Article 3 – Purpose of processing 


UW PERsoonsgegevens be By 2BY2 VerzAmeld and tracked For the following purposes:

  • To register as a visitor and user of the website and/or our store; 
  • To optimise the proper functioning of our website;
  • To inform you as a visitor about our products and/or changes in our range in the future;
  • To comply with your order and more specifically the development, compliance and execution of your order
  • To meet Possible Legal obligations imposed on US rest
  • For Handling Financial transactions In the context of Your orders
  • For The sending of our newsletters and advertisements In our activity sector
  • To be able Contact If this is necessary to be able to carry out our services or improve;
  • Offer the opportunity to create an account; 
  • Goods and services to you To be able to deliver

The data that 2BY2 will be stored on secure servers and Not Shared Be with Third partiesUnless For the execution of our legal obligations and powers or the agreement with you. Your personal data may be shared internally, this only For good Implementation of your Command And without violating your confidentiality. 

2BY2 will use only for itself and for the purposes set out in this policy. If 2BY2 The personal data for other purposes, as previously stated, wishes to process or wish to resell it to third parties, it shall U and will inform the Your Permission Questions This respect. 

2BY2 Will all reasonable Precautionary measures Against loss, misuse, transfer or unauthorized access to the data. 


Article 4 – Communication 


Communication to 2BY2 Can be tracked on our servers. This communication Can Both by mail, by letter and by telephone. Tracking such data Allows our Website To improve And To answer and process your questions. 


Article 5 – Cookies


2BY2 Uses cookies to gain a better understanding of our customers and to make the website work optimally. 

Used Cookies are:

2BY2_favorites (1 year)

Here the favorites are saved when you are not logged in. Log in and this cookie data is stored in the database.

blnPopUpShown (2h)

Show or not popup

long (never expires)

Cookie that preserves language choice.

Cookies relate to small pieces of information that are forwarded by 2BY2 and placed on your computer’s hard drive. This information will be Sent back To 2BY2. The main purpose of these cookies is to improve your experience on our webSite, for example by your languagePrefer, remember your country… while using And during future visits. 

The cookies will not store any personal information such as your card details, your password, … .

The use of cookies is on most browsers as Set by default. If you wish to avoid the use of cookies, You can opt out of cookies by setting your Internet browser to not store cookies. In addition, you can also delete any information previously saved through your browser’s settings.  


Article 6 – Removal or modification of data


2BY2 Keep the personal data All the time, and at least for 5 years after termination of The delivery of your order Or Until you indicate that they would be modified or removed. 

You have the right, in principle, to view, rectify or distant your personal data.Delete. In addition, you have the right to revoke your consent to the data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by 2BY2 And you have the right to data transferability. This means that you can submit a request to us for the personal data that we have from you in a computer file to you or a Third To send.

You may send a request for inspection, correction, deletion, data transfer of your personal data or request for withdrawal of your consent or objection to the processing of your personal data to .

In order to ensure that the request for inspection has been made by you, we ask you to send a copy of your identity document with the request. 

2BY2 Please respond as soon as possible, but within thirty days, at your request.

You should keep in mind that 2BY2 Will not be obliged to comply with your request for inspection, correction, removal or transfer. This is because of our legal obligations, reasons of general interest (preservation, statistical analysis, scientific or historical research), for the establishment, exercise or substantiatement of a legal action or the justified Exercise of the right to freedom of expression and/or information.  

2BY2 Points You also have the opportunity to lodge a complaint with the national supervisor. This is possible via the following contact information: 

Commission for the Protection of privacy Press Street 35, 1000 Brussels, + 32 (0) 2 274 48 00,

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